No CAD Required to Share Product Data: Provide Interactive 3D PDF Data Sheets

: No CAD Required to Share Product Data: Provide 3D PDF Data Sheets

With Dynamic Product Data Sheets, the Online Product Catalog Enables Customers to Download and Share Interactive 3D PDF Data Sheets for the Whole Team.


Customers need product data, but they don’t always have CAD access.

The interactive product configurator enables engineers to download dynamic product pages of configured parts. These interactive 3D data sheets are PDFs with essential information the customer needs, including

  • Product number and specs
  • Technical data and drawing
  • 3D interactive preview
  • Bill of materials.

With this simple way to share product information, manufacturers create a better digital customer experience for their customers and simplify sales. Here’s how:


See how an interactive 3D PDF data sheet and 3D CAD downloads can boost your online sales.


3D Visibility for the Whole Team

One of the greatest features of the interactive product catalog is the ability to provide 3D visibility. Now, more people than just the customer’s engineers and CAD team can take advantage of this special feature with 3D dynamic data sheets.

These PDF files were designed with the user in mind. The data sheet is usable and comprehensive for a customer who is unfamiliar with CAD models – whether it’s the salesperson who makes the purchase or the building supervisor looking for a part to order. The customer can manipulate the 3D part image directly within the PDF and see the price and identification number without having to know how the part works.


: No CAD Required to Share Product Data: Provide 3D PDF Data Sheets


Easing Communication Between Departments

With these 3D Dynamic Data Sheets, communication between the design engineer and the person purchasing the part has never been easier.

Since the part identification number and manufacturer’s information is designed-in the PDF, moving from the contemplation to decision stage is straightforward, and the 3D images make the purchasing process even more comprehensive. Now that’s improving the digital customer experience!

Manufacturers who choose to build their own CAD models for their customers can’t easily provide 3D PDF sheets, so they don’t fix the gaps in communication between the engineer and the purchasing partner. Consequently, manufacturers miss out on potential audiences who don’t frequent CAD systems.


The Ultimate Guide to DCX: Everything you need to know about digital customer experience in the manufacturing industry.


: No CAD Required to Share Product Data: Provide 3D PDF Data Sheets


Increase Sales by Increasing Downloads

Manufacturers, like Brennan Industries, are already taking advantage of this simple tool to ensure easy and accurate ordering.

“The catalog provides us with more ways to connect with the customer throughout the design process. Our logo is embedded onto the model and the product metadata is preserved within the native CAD model and the bill of materials. That data leads the customer back to us when the project moves from the design stage and into the procurement phase,” said John Joyce, Director of Marketing at Brennan Industries.

With more touch points and a simple way to purchase parts online, the dynamic product data sheet helps streamline online sales.

“We saw our downloads double overnight when we switched to the CADENAS PARTsolutions 3D CAD catalog. Each download is a foot in the door for us,” said Joyce.


: No CAD Required to Share Product Data: Provide 3D PDF Data Sheets


In Conclusion

Not all engineering customers have access to a CAD system. And for those who do, chances are their purchasing department isn’t familiar with CAD.

But with dynamic product pages available through the online configurator, manufacturers can provide a solution to fit everyone’s needs.  In doing so, the manufacturer simplifies the purchasing process for their online customers.

Learn more about these interactive 3D PDFs and find more tips to improve digital customer experience in our new ebook.


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Adam Beck

Director of Marketing at CADENAS PARTsolutions | A Marketing graduate from the Miami University, Farmer School of Business in Oxford Ohio, Adam has years of experience in marketing and design for a variety of industries.