Sample Online Configurator Lets You “Test Drive” Digital Catalog Technology
Configure a wide variety of digital component parts, and experience the power a digital parts catalog can bring to your marketing plan
It’s All About Product Research: Product research is a key element of the purchasing process for any product. I love going to Best-Buy to try out the newest video-games, cameras or big screen TV’s. People LOVE that Zappos doesn’t charge shipping on shoes so they can TRY even more options. Have you ever gone to Baskin & Robbins and turned down the FREE pink sample spoon of ice cream?! Heck no!
Click here to check out the example online configurator
People love to try stuff out, put it through the paces and feel how it works before they spend their hard earned cash.
When you’re researching something like a new car, a BluRay player or a digital camera you’re bombarded with facts and figures and stats to compare and contrast. Many times all of those stats and numbers become white noise, and it really comes down to how well the product works and feels when you use it, online configurators are no different. To understand how an online configurator will work for you it’s best to try them out to see how well they will “fit” your needs and how it will benefit your business.
When manufacturers of specialized products and components come to us they want to see parts just like theirs, in a configurator setting. A bearing manufacturer doesn’t really care how a hydraulic cylinder is configured. A filter manufacturer doesn’t really care how a caster is configured, and so on.
So what did we do?
The amazing PARTsolutions tech team created a sample online configurator with different product types and thousands of configurable possibilities. Build your own component parts and generate a preview. It’s almost like holding the real thing. You can even export your final product in more than 150 native, neutral and imaging formats.