BOMAG Utilize PARTsolutions Parts Management Software to Search and Control Standard Parts

Get the BOMAG Case Study to Learn How The Company Reduced Duplicate Parts
Machinery Manufacturer Reduced Part Volume and Increases Efficiency by Adopting Strategic Parts Management Software.


BOMAG is the leading manufacturer of machinery used in the compaction of soils, asphalt and refuse, as well as stabilizers/recyclers, land milling machines and finishers. To better manage their internally designed and supplier parts, BOMAG have used CADENAS’ Parts Management Software, PARTsolutions since 2009 with marked success.

Check out the BOMAG Case Study

BOMAG sought a solution to help reduce the volume of parts in their engineering library and to increase the speed at which designers could find the part they need. Their internal cost for each newly created part in their system is 1,200 Euros ($1600 US), and they have more than 85,000 parts in their system.

For many manufacturing organizations it’s estimated that 10% or more of the parts in their engineering library are duplicates or obsolete designs, both of which are issues addressed by PARTsolutions SPM. Estimating a reduction in their digital parts inventory and creation by a conservative 2% will yield a savings of $2.72 million. Often, each redundant part has digital manufacturing data (CAM), digital FEA analysis information and downstream purchasing relationships that costs real money to maintain.

See how BOMAG use PARTsolutions Parts Management Software 

In addition to streamlining the engineering library at BOMAG, PARTsolutions Parts Management Software is used in the procurement department to give visibility and control to the purchasing team.

Dieter Hickmann, CAD Administrator at BOMAG explains, “Our purchase department is informed with a notification of change when a new part has been designed and released for procurement. Within the PARTsolutions system the procurement agent can upload the new part and use it to look for a similar component. This makes it possible to estimate how much the new component will cost from the beginning. This approach makes sense with complex molded parts made of casting or plastic.”


<a href="">Parts Mgmt. 101</a>

The Basics of SPM

Parts Management 201 Standard Parts Management vs. Traditional Classification

<a href="">Parts Mgmt. 201</a>

SPM vs. Classification

Parts Management 301 How Engineering Teams Achieve MBD Using Parts Management Tools

<a href="">Parts Mgmt. 301</a>

MBE / MBD for Mfgs

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Adam Beck

Director of Marketing at CADENAS PARTsolutions | A Marketing graduate from the Miami University, Farmer School of Business in Oxford Ohio, Adam has years of experience in marketing and design for a variety of industries.