Climbing the Mountain: With 12,000,000 3D CAD Model Downloads We’re Only at Base Camp


With 12,000,000 Downloads in March 2015, The Journey to the Summit Has only Begun

Many would see 12,000,000 3D CAD Model downloads in a month as a staggering result, a testament that we have reached the “peak” of our potential. We would disagree. We think we’re just getting started. To illustrate our point we’re equating 3D CAD model downloads to climbing K2 or Everest , the world’s highest peaks and most difficult in the world.

Our Rationale: Downloads to Elevation Ratio

Since we’ve yet to discover mountains with elevations in the millions of feet, we’re going to spot nature a pretty favorable ratio of 1000:1. That is, 1000 downloads = 1 foot in elevation.

limbing the Mountain: 12,000 3D CAD Model Downloads We’ve Reached Base Camp


20 years of leading the Industry has all been preparation for the big climb.

Mountain climbing is all about preparation, conditioning and endurance. You may prepare for five years to trek to the top of Everest. We have been working with industrial manufacturers for twenty years, and see our past work in the same way. We have helped many of the world’s leading manufacturers provide their parts to millions of engineers…but we’re just getting warmed up.


Staying the course, not all of our climbing partners will make it.

Mountain climbing is dangerous business. K2, the world’s highest peak, has had 302 people reach the summit and 80 casualties, about a four to one ratio. We’ve seen similar survival rate in the 3D CAD model space, many contenders have come and gone over the years, but not too many are here today to tell the tale.

mountain daddy

If the 12,000,000 3D CAD model downloads are equal to 12,000 feet in elevation, we’re just getting to base camp.

If you have ever watched or read stories about great climbing expeditions you know you don’t just drive to the foot of the mountain and start climbing. The trek to base camp can take weeks, and covers more elevation than many tall mountains on earth. The second tallest peak in the continental USA is Mt. Rainier, and it’s roughly 14,000 feet. In contrast, base camp at many of the peaks in the Himalayas is at 12,000 ft or more, with peaks in excess of 29,000 ft. (Everest). We see 12,000,000 3D CAD models downloaded in a month as just base camp for us, we have our sights set at many more. Although, by our math, we’ve already surpassed Mount Kosciuszko, the lowest of the world’s “Seven Summits,” look for many more mountaineering conquests to come.


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Adam Beck

Director of Marketing at CADENAS PARTsolutions | A Marketing graduate from the Miami University, Farmer School of Business in Oxford Ohio, Adam has years of experience in marketing and design for a variety of industries.