Reduce Engineering Waste: How One Engineer Doubled His Design Time by Working Smarter, not Harder.

PARTsolutions Strategic Parts Management Reduces Engineering Waste by Making Parts More Accessible and Searchable


“This year we’re going to maximize profitability by being leaner and more agile!”

“By working together, we’ll reduce cost and increase productivity, to achieve undisputed industry leadership!”

Sounds good, but what does that even mean? These well-intentioned phrases, like many others, are designed to rally the troops at businesses around the world. Whether you come from the Fortune 500, or a small, family-owned business, you’ve heard them before. Often they don’t have much “teeth.” Usually more inspirational than tactical, setting the vision for the future, not a nuts-and-bolts plan for success.

The follow-up to these statements is usually the same too. Executives put the pressure on department managers to increase productivity, while maintaining constant head counts and processes.

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reduce engineering waste

Sow how exactly can an engineering team increase productivity while reducing costs? It is possible, by working smarter, not harder.

The first step, is to address the problem. As we have learned from the Engineering Efficiency report, a major problem for most engineering teams is time wasted hunting for parts to use within a design, and time lost redrawing supplier parts to use within a design. This waste accounts for 45% of all engineering time. That’s significant. The problem can be addressed by doubling the engineering head-count, or finding ways to strategically increase productivity and reduce engineering waste.

With PARTsolutions Strategic Parts Management software, engineers reduce engineering waste and design time because their parts become more accessible and searchable. The tool helps them quickly find internal parts, commercial parts and standard parts for use within their designs. If they need a part that is not readily in their database, they can search 700 catalogs of manufacturer-certified commercial parts too. Enabling them to quickly configure, and launch native CAD files directly into their design.

Second step, a plan of action. Engineering departments are all unique, which is why every solution is tailored to fit the specific needs of that team. PARTsolutions integrates with all major PLM and ERP systems, but it can also work great as a stand-alone tool for a low-impact, faster implementation. To get going we have some quick questions to help us tailor a solution to perfectly meet your needs:

reduce engineering waste

Answer a few quick questions to find out how Strategic Parts Management can work for you:

Step three Deploy! No more talk, it’s time for action! Depending on your specific environment and needs, you could start to reduce engineering waste right away. We will meet with your team and give you some best practices from successful implementations, but we’ll let you choose what you think is best. When you’re ready, we’ll get you set up and train your team to use PARTsolutions Strategic Parts Management software. They will quickly begin to reduce engineering waste, re-discovering those hours of lost productivity. Get started today to end the talk and kick the action into high-gear!


<a href="">Parts Mgmt. 101</a>

The Basics of SPM

Parts Management 201 Standard Parts Management vs. Traditional Classification

<a href="">Parts Mgmt. 201</a>

SPM vs. Classification

Parts Management 301 How Engineering Teams Achieve MBD Using Parts Management Tools

<a href="">Parts Mgmt. 301</a>

MBE / MBD for Mfgs

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Adam Beck

Director of Marketing at CADENAS PARTsolutions | A Marketing graduate from the Miami University, Farmer School of Business in Oxford Ohio, Adam has years of experience in marketing and design for a variety of industries.