Grown-Up Hot Wheels Track Goes Out the Window and Through the Garden


Grown-Up Hot Wheels Track Goes Out the Window and Through the GardenWe may outgrow some toys, but building awesome racing tracks never gets old.

This ultimate Hot Wheels track makes all of us want to pull out our old Hot Wheels collection and start building.

At 141 feet, the track starts from inside the apartment building, curves out the window, and speeds through the garden at an average speed of 3.8 miles per hour. The car takes 25 seconds to finish the track, but it’s a big adventure for a little toy: the Hot Wheels car has to cross a high wooden bridge, duck under the garden fence, and speed through a vertical loop! It kinda reminds me of that song lyric, “over the river, and through the woods!”

The track was built and published by 5MadMovieMakers, a YouTube channel that posts over 100 videos of cool toy stunts and epic engineered courses, including one of Thomas the Train performing pro-skater-like stunts.

If you think you can, you should. The Hot Wheels track goes to show that we are never too old for miniature adventures and awesome builds.


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Adam Beck

Director of Marketing at CADENAS PARTsolutions | A Marketing graduate from the Miami University, Farmer School of Business in Oxford Ohio, Adam has years of experience in marketing and design for a variety of industries.