Industrial Marketing Report Details Survey Findings for Manufacturers

Industrial Marketing Report: Survey of 128,000 engineers and architects reveals six digital essentials for selling & marketing industrial products and components

CADENAS has released the findings from an all-new survey of more than 128,000 engineers and architects. The survey asked designers about their preferences when searching for and specifying manufacturer products online. The 14-page Industrial Marketing report details these new insights, coupled with actionable ideas for manufacturers to increase their customer engagement and sales. Get the report here.

CADENAS asked Engineers and Architects these questions:

  • When searching for supplier parts online, what is most important to your part selection experience?
  • If a supplier does not offer CAD or BIM models online, what do you do?
  • Would you choose one supplier over another because they provide native CAD / BIM models?
  • If you download a CAD or BIM file of a part, does the physical part ultimately get purchased?
  • How important is it to see a 3D preview to assist in product selection?
  • When you specify a supplier part for a design, what quantity is typically purchased for production?

Industrial Sales & Marketing Survey Report for Manufacturers

Providing Customer Insights to Industrial and Architectural Manufacturers

One of the keys for any business is to “know the customer.” Companies have many ways to gauge interest in their products and services. These insights are usually built upon direct interactions with customers as they shop or buy. By watching someone within a retail setting, a business can learn a lot, whether shopping in person or online. While many B2B businesses can interact with purchasing departments to learn what their customer is looking for, some have additional considerations.

For B2B industrial and architectural component manufacturers though, there is an added layer of “buyer” before the purchase even begins. This person is known by many things, “technical buyer” and “specifier” are some of the most common. This specifier is the engineer or an architect who is designing a larger project and needs to source manufactured products and components to test fit in their design. These products make up the majority of a larger design and their selection means they are to be purchased for the final product. Significant research is done within the design phase. Understanding how and why a product is selected is key to manufacturers delivering a great digital customer experience.

Knowing and understanding buyer behavior and preferences is a challenge for any industry. One of CADENAS’ primary goals is to help manufacturers have better interactions with engineers and architects. Surveying thousands of engineers provides valuable insights for manufacturers to improve their services and deliverables.

Continue to get the full Industrial Marketing Report.

Best known for their eCATALOGsolutions digital product catalog platform, CADENAS helps manufacturers deliver CAD and BIM content to their audience, increasing leads by providing an exceptional digital customer experience.


The Industrial Sales & Marketing Report

6 Digital Essentials for Selling to Engineers & Architects

We asked 128,000 engineers and architects, how they choose and specify the products they buy.

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Adam Beck

Director of Marketing at CADENAS PARTsolutions | A Marketing graduate from the Miami University, Farmer School of Business in Oxford Ohio, Adam has years of experience in marketing and design for a variety of industries.