WILO Announces Parts Management Project with CADENAS PARTsolutions

After successfully implementing eCATALOGsolutions, WILO will use PARTsolutions as a global standard for strategic parts management.

In 2020, the multinational technology group, WILO published a digital product catalog with 3D BIM data based on CADENAS PARTsolution’s eCATALOGsolutions software. This year, CADENAS and WILO are working together again to standardize parts management. Starting July 1st, 2023, WILO began implementing the Strategic Parts Management PARTsolutions at every subsidiary worldwide. This project will organize standard and repeat parts across the entire organization.

Many Formats & Integrations

The eCATALOGsolutions software has been rolled out as a bundle with interfaces to a wide variety of systems, including NX, SolidWorks, and AutoCAD. The roll out has allowed WILO employees in all engineering departments to save time searching for and downloading necessary parts.

Additionally, the package includes an integration for SAP Engineering Control Center | SAP ECTR for the CAD system NX. DSC Software AG, a long-standing partner of CADENAS, is also supporting the project.

Leaner Parts Management 

WILO leadership found that designers spend a lot of time in the engineering process looking for components. If planners and engineers cannot find the needed parts, they often design them again – a time-consuming and superfluous step. These repeat parts in the system lead to extra work and contribute to the difficulty of finding correct components.

With the Strategic Parts Management PARTsolutions, WILO will avoid duplicates in the future and increase the quality of their data. With this accelerated component search function, WILO can optimize the reuse of components by introducing the text-independent, geometric similarity search from CADENAS. From now on, standard and purchased parts that still need to be re-integrated will be created simultaneously in WILO’s CAD, PLM and ERP systems via the CADENAS software.


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Content Marketing Manager at CADENAS PARTsolutions | A Strategic Communications graduate from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, South Dakota, Shelby has years of experience in marketing and design for a variety of industries.