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Part of the Week – Cooper Crouse-Hinds Explosion-Proof Vaporgard Lighting

By Adam Beck | October 23, 2012

Everyone loves a great explosion! Unless you happen to work in a hazardous danger-zone, that is! Fortunately, Cooper Crouse-Hinds are the action heroes of the industrial lighting industry…EXPLOSION PROOF!     For the CADENAS PARTsolutions PART of the week, we have…

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10 Minute Industrial Marketing Budget Template – Calculating a Sales Target

By Adam Beck | October 22, 2012

PART2: Calculate Sales Target based on Cost-to-Sales Goal and Known Expense Continuing with our three part series on industrial marketing budgets, we now take a look at creating realistic sales targets to justify marketing expenses. These targets are a crucial part…

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Skydiving from Space – Part II – Jump Wrap-Up!

By Adam Beck | October 15, 2012

Part of our Series: Crazy Cool Stuff from Around the Web Red Bull and Austrian Felix Baumgartner have successfully engineered the world’s highest skydive attempt. The project was five years in the making, and even the final days came with plenty…

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Parts Catalog Software on Display at Legendary Ferrari Factory

By Adam Beck | October 12, 2012

  After previous years events at the Ducati and Lamborghini factories had been such a success, the Italian branch of CADENAS PARTsolutions had only one option to exceed their previous efforts. The 2012 event was held at the Modena, Italy…

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Engineering the $150,000 Dinner Table – The Fletcher Capstan

By Adam Beck | October 10, 2012

Now, I know what you are thinking…“A table…for $150k… what’s it do… feed me and then clean-up the dishes?” Well, it’s still a round dining table, which you and five family members eat at it like any other table. This…

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Product Configuration Checklist for the Best Online Product Catalog Experience

By Adam Beck | October 10, 2012

Fact #1 – Most companies with configurable parts have come to the realization: “My customer wants to downloadand configure our parts before they buy.” In many cases, unless your business has been really leading the curve, you have yet to select…

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Industrial Marketing – 10 Minute Marketing Budget Planner

By Adam Beck | October 9, 2012

It’s that time of year again. The last minute scrambling, sweating and adjusting to get the marketing budget just right. Marketers have been prepping their budgets since the day after the last one was approved. It’s nearly time hit the…

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CAD Catalog vs. CAD Library - What’s the difference?

CAD Catalog vs. CAD Library – What’s the difference?

By Adam Beck | October 2, 2012

 What’s the difference between a CAD catalog and a CAD library? The difference will impact your business. It’s a question I hear almost EVERY day, “what’s the difference between a CAD catalog and a CAD library” or “I already have a CAD…

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World’s Fastest Lawnmower

By Adam Beck | September 26, 2012

Part of our Series: Crazy Cool Stuff from Around the Web – This post comes to us form the Bonneville Sale Flats in Utah. This 70 year old MANIMAL takes the land speed record for riding lawnmowers – 96.3 MPH!! He…

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Part of the Week – PHD GRM series Gripper 3D CAD Model PDF

By Adam Beck | September 26, 2012

For our first ever CADENAS PARTsolutions PART of the week, we have chosen a really cool GRM Series gripper made by PHD. The 3D Cad Model was generated through CADENAS PARTsolutions 3D configurator with a variety of optional features. CADENAS…

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