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3D Parts Catalog "Part of the Week" – HubCity HERA Gearbox

By Adam Beck | November 15, 2012

At CADENAS PARTsolutions we’re as green as they get, this is why we are excited to select the HubCity HERA series gearbox as the 3D parts catalog “Part of the Week”. What’s so green about these gearboxes? The HERA gearbox…

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Standard 3D Parts – Boeing 747 Precision Beach Landing

By Adam Beck | November 15, 2012

As the weather begins to cool off through much of the US, we begin to daydream of beaches in the Caribbean. Thinking of relaxing on the white sand along the azure water, with an umbrella drink in our hand, 80…

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3D CAD – Avoid the Productivity “Black Hole” – Organize and Standardize Your 2D and 3D CAD Files

By Adam Beck | November 14, 2012

Do you sometimes feel that your engineering team has taken a trip into a black hole? Feeling the effects of time lost, searching and sourcing internal standard components that should be easier to locate? You may need a part data…

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Desktop Engineering Selects PARTsolutions Mobile CAD App as “Pick of the Week”

By Adam Beck | November 8, 2012

As you may know, last week, CADENAS PARTsolutions announced our Mobile CAD Apps platform. We are excited to announce that Anthony Lockwood, editor of Desktop Engineering magazine has selected PARTsolutions as the “Pick of the Week”, with a product spotlight…

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Know your PARTsolutions team: Adam Beck

By Adam Beck | November 8, 2012

  As the Marketing Manager I am responsible for much of the external communication. I spend a lot of time working on our website, email and marketing collateral. Tell us about some of the day to day challenges and/or perks…

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The Final Showdown – Using the Excel Template – Marketing Budget Calculator

By Adam Beck | November 7, 2012

  So, you think you’re ready for that final showdown with the CFO? Is your budget presentation so air-tight that the CFO is going to be as excited about the 2013 plan as you are? Showing target sales and ROI…

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World Record Rubix Cube Robot – Android 3D CAD APP

By Adam Beck | November 6, 2012

It’s one of those things humans have been looking forward to since the 50’s. Back when the future was predicted to have hover-boards, jetpacks, flying cars and laser-cooking-rays. Society was fascinated by Flash Gordon, The Jetsons, Lost in Space and…

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Prevent the Catalog Photo Nightmare by using your 3D CAD Models

By Adam Beck | November 5, 2012

So there I was, in the groove of all grooves. I was rockin’ out my company’s new catalog of widgets, thing-a-ma-bobs and doo-hickeys. Body copy here! Headline there! Chart of options? Done. Then it happened…my productivity came to a screeching…

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iPad App Development for Industrial Manufacturers – Mobile 3D CAD

By Adam Beck | October 24, 2012

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new mobile apps for industrial manufacturers, featuring mobile product catalogs and mobile 3D CAD previews and downloads. The new mobile app offering enables manufacturers to equip sales reps and distributors with powerful…

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The Amphibious Jet Man

By Adam Beck | October 24, 2012

You know we love outrageous engineering innovations here at CADENAS PARTsolutions, and since our last “CRAZY COOL” post was, well…a table (but a dang cool table, right!?) We knew we had to really offer up one of the wildest, weirdest and…

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