Download Certified CAD Content from Top Suppliers Within Your CAD or PLM System
PARTsolutions gives engineers direct access to more than 800 manufacturer certified CAD catalogs. This extensive standard and supplier parts library supplements your internal database with detailed CAD data for millions of parts.

Download Certified CAD Content from Top Suppliers Within Your CAD or PLM System
PARTsolutions gives engineers direct access to more than 800 manufacturer certified CAD catalogs. This extensive standard and supplier parts library supplements your internal database with detailed CAD data for millions of parts .
Access Millions of Supplier Parts
Engineers can search for parts from manufacturers like Festo, Misumi, Parker, Eaton, and more than 800 other top suppliers. The CAD models in the CADENAS PARTsolutions libraries are certified accurate through an eight-step QA process with each manufacturer.
Access Millions of Supplier Parts
Engineers can search for parts from manufacturers like Festo, Misumi, Parker, Eaton, and more than 800 other top suppliers. The CAD models in the CADENAS PARTsolutions libraries are certified accurate through an eight-step QA process with each manufacturer.
Find Supplier Parts within CAD, PDM, and PLM
PARTsolutions software integrates with your CAD, PDM, and PLM systems. This enables engineers to simultaneously search within PDM/PLM for parts previously downloaded from suppliers AND search supplier catalogs within the same search, all without leaving CAD or PLM.
Find Supplier Parts within CAD, PDM, and PLM
PARTsolutions software integrates with your CAD, PDM, and PLM systems. This enables engineers to simultaneously search within PDM/PLM for parts previously downloaded from suppliers AND search supplier catalogs within the same search, all without leaving CAD or PLM.
Download in 150+ CAD Formats
CADENAS PARTsolutions supplier libraries are created in a recipe file format. This enables users to download lightweight CAD models in over 150 native and neutral CAD formats, preserving vital metadata and design intent, and CAD fidelity.
Download in 150+ CAD Formats
CADENAS PARTsolutions supplier libraries are created in a recipe file format. This enables users to download lightweight CAD models in over 150 native and neutral CAD formats, preserving vital metadata and design intent, and CAD fidelity.
Consolidate Supplier in Your PDM, PLM, and ERP systems
Engineering managers and procurement professionals can use PARTsolutions Strategic Parts Management software to set preferred parts from suppliers and create duplicate reports to consolidate parts. These features help cut direct material spend by encouraging an easy-to-implement reuse strategy.
Consolidate Supplier in Your PDM, PLM, and ERP
Engineering managers and procurement professionals can use PARTsolutions Strategic Parts Management software to set preferred parts from suppliers and create duplicate reports to consolidate parts. These features help cut direct material spend by encouraging an easy-to-implement reuse strategy.
Configure CAD Models to Your Exact Specifications
Configure parts to the exact specification you need with easy to use configuration tools within your integrated CAD or PLM system.
Take Control of Your Digital Parts Master Data
Learn More: Get These Free eBooks
Parts Management 101
Engineer Smarter: Learn the Basics of a Parts Management Strategy
Parts Management 201
Standard Parts Management vs. Traditional Classification
Parts Management 301
How Engineering Teams Achieve MBD Using Parts Management Tools
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