
Seamless Integration with


Did you know: 70% of Engineering Time is Wasted on Unproductive Work

PARTsolutions Siemens Average Engineering Work Week

Engineering teams waste an average of 70% of their time searching for, configuring, or redrawing parts. This wasted time burns thousands of hours each year on non-value-added work.

When factoring in the cost of introducing each new part, you’ve got unnecessary costs on your hands. This engineering waste hampers your ability to innovate and get products to the market quickly.

Get in contact with our experts

Need some detailed information on how Strategic Parts Management can help your business tackle the challenges of digitization or need a detailed quote? Feel free to contact our sales executives and we’ll get back to you in no time.

PARTsolutions: The Single Authorative Source For All Your Digital Parts

PARTsolutions Siemens Integration

When integrated with your Siemens products, PARTsolutions becomes the single authoritative source for your part data.


Our seamless integration with Siemens enables a digital thread of information to pass between different user types ensuring each department has the right data to make informed business decisions.

Design Time

Find and reuse parts faster using advanced search tools geometric, text, similarity, sketch search and more.

Engineering Costs

Save engineering and procurement costs by reusing existing parts rather than introducing new ones.


Make smarter business decisions and cleanup your engineering ecosystem with semi-automatic classification.

Easily Find Parts Using The PARTsolutions NX Integration

PARTsolutions NX direct integration enables engineers and purchasers to find parts and relevant product information quickly using a combination of search tools. You can search for parts within NX using the PARTsolutions integration by using one, or a combination, of our search tools.

Using a combination of search tools will help you locate the right part quickly. PARTsolutions will pull in a selected part from an existing library, or it will create a part on-the-fly from our list of 700 manufacturer catalogs inside NX if it doesn't exist in your library of parts.

Take Control of Your Digital Parts Master Data

Shape Search

Give Engineers the ability to search and find parts their way, using Geometry, Topology, Sketch, Full-text or Dimensions.


Eliminate duplicates, erroneous and obsolete parts that are slowing your engineers down.

Reuse CAD Data

Save time by enabling engineers to find and deploy approved parts instead of searching or recreating.

Consolidate Parts

Enable your purchasing department to identify duplicate and consolidate purchasing using pricing data from ERP.

Access Supplier Content

Quickly search and source from 800 manufacturer-certified catalogs of CAD content.


Unify and link CAD, PDM, PLM, and ERP systems to create an ecosystem powered by rich data.

PARTsolutions Reuse Library for NX

The CADENAS Reuse Library for NX is a web-based system for accessing 3D CAD manufacturer catalogs. Engineers and designers get access to millions of 3D CAD components from over 700 manufacturer certified product catalogs. The intelligent engineering data held within each CAD model can be inserted directly in NX with the click of a button.

Added Value

For Engineers

  • More than 700 CAD catalogs available
  • Intelligent 3D CAD models in native CAD formats
  • Intelligent search methods for components
  • Rich meta data & kinematic joints
  • Seamless integration into CAD & PLM
  • Automatic attribute feeds

For Standardization

  • Perfect master data for CAD, PLM & ERP to reduce parts multiplicity
  • Find existing parts in your PLM system and avoid duplicates in your database
  • Supports classification systems and processes within the PLM system

For Purchasing

  • PURCHINEERING (Purchasing and engineering collaboration)
  • Define preferred parts and suppliers
  • Approval process for new parts to prevent uncontrolled growth of parts diversity

Engineer Smarter with Strategic Parts Management

Get in contact with our experts

Need some detailed information on how Strategic Parts Management can help your business tackle the challenges of digitization or need a detailed quote? Feel free to contact our sales executives and we'll get back to you in no time.

Learn More: Get These Free eBooks


Parts Management 101

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Engineer Smarter: Learn the Basics of a Parts Management Strategy

Parts Management 201 Standard Parts Management vs. Traditional Classification

Parts Management 201

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Standard Parts Management vs. Traditional Classification

Parts Management 301 How Engineering Teams Achieve MBD Using Parts Management Tools

Parts Management 301

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How Engineering Teams Achieve MBD Using Parts Management Tools